
Here’s a glimpse into what’s on our mind in the world of real estate.


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Are you an owner who is more interested in the NOI, over your SEO? If so, you may be missing the point of SEO.  Long-gone are the days where an owner tackles vacancy by posting a ‘For Rent’ sign, and maybe crafting a Craigs List add. Today’s apartment hunter has high expectations for immediacy and efficiency. Those looking for an apartment today know there is no reason for them to waste their time driving around to look at apartments, when they should be able to take tour virtually, from the comfort of their existing living room. The American Aparment Owner Assocation reports “What our latest study confirms is that apartment renters, like consumers overall, are adopting easier, faster ways to access information on the go, and in this case, it’s when they are looking for their next apartment home,” says Marcia Bollinger, president of Apartment Finder.

The Apartment Finder Mobile Renters study found that the activities conducted most often from a mobile device were:
72 percent viewed photos and videos of apartments
68 percent found details, price, description, amenities and contact information
59 percent searched by city
53 percent inquired for more information about an apartment community
This data should be driving evidence as to how your SEO can drive your NOI. Creating a replicable and measurable plan to use digital tools and resources should be no different than creating a groundskeeping plan. You figure out what you need, set a budget and either get out your hedge trimmers, or pay someone to do it.   
